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Turquoise Howlite on Feather Pendant

Divine Kristall

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Turquoise Howlite on feather pendant.

To Native Americans all is sacred. Turquoise has a special place because it is believed to unite sky and earth in stone. The Navajo say,"May you walk in beauty," (Hozhoogo Naashaado) To wear turquoise is to honor the Great Father and Great Mother and thank them for all their gifts. In wearing turquoise blessings of protection, health, happiness, contentment and loving is shared with all.

Native Americans believed prayers and messages were carried to the Great Spirit on the wings of eagles and other fine birds.

Prayer feathers, either single or bundled are used by an individual to offer a prayer to the Great Spirit. The feathers carry your words, thoughts and feelings to the Great Spirit. Each time you look at your prayer feather, your prayers are again sent in your behalf to the Great Spirit in the Heavens.

Prayer feathers may be used for smudging or cleansing with smoke. The smoke is fanned in the 6 directions East, West, North, South, Earth and Sky cleansing an object, person or thought to the Great Spirit. Sage, cedar, sweet grass, even incense can be used for smudging.

Some personal rituals include singing while praying. It is believed singing is one way to speak with the grandfathers as well as the Great Spirit.