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Essential Crystal and Stone collection

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Essential Crystal and Stone collection.

This labeled collection of stones represent some of the most powerful Crystals and Stones The average total weight of the collection is approx. 2lbs. This is a very versatile collection that also makes for a beautiful display.

Orange Calcite - Orange Calcite is the perfect stone to use when trying to unlock and unleash ones creative or sexual energies. It’s one of the very few stones that help circulate these energies throughout the body, assisting in removing certain blockages when needed. When our creative and sexual energies are flowing freely, we become more comfortable with ourselves and the current action at hand. This usually leads to an increase in confidence and self esteem.

Rose Quartz - A heart healer, Rose Quartz brings its petal-soft shades and gentle vibes to help you let go of old hurts and stitch up the wounds of your soul. This pale pink quartz is all about positive energy, deep compassion, and learning to love yourself.

Green Quartz - Is connected to the heart chakra.  It will open and balance the heart chakra while healing and stabilising the emotions.  Green Quartz is excellent for stimulating creativity and intuition.  It has the ability to transform negative energies into positive energies, can bring success and prosperity and also attract abundance.  Green Quartz supports the endocrine system and maintains balance in the physical body.

Red Jasper - An exceptional grounding stone that helps one better engage with the world around them. It will eliminate all distractions and procrastination, while helping you achieve your dreams and goals. So often do we allow a little challenge to disrupt our desires, but not anymore. Red Jasper engages the root and sacral chakra, actively channeling Earth’s mightiest energy within.

Black Obsidian - A stone formed by lava that didn’t have enough time to cool into glass. This volcanic glass aids in protection, grounding, and spiritual communication. Known as a “psychic vacuum cleaner”, Black Obsidian gets rid of all the junk and cleanses all negativity out of your auric field and environment. This stone has powerful grounding frequencies and will heavily assist in psychic protection when needed. Obsidian also brings out all of our creative energies so that they may be intertwined and influence our every action.

Amazonite - A stone of peace, truth, harmony, and communication. It gently soothes the nerves, and it’s energies can be felt to the touch. This stone radiates blue rays full of rejuvenating vibrations that are here to calm the heart. Any environment that Amazonite is placed in will calm the energy and fill the air with positive energies. It’s been called the “peacemaker stone” due to its communicative abilities. Our heart and throat become linked, thus allowing the truest thoughts to surface and be spoken with ease. Emotions usually play a role when trying to express any truth, making it naturally hard to speak from the heart due to the power of the mind.

Amethyst - One of the most soothing styles of healing crystals, the Amethyst Stone is a known healer and spiritual leaper. A nurturer of the crown chakra, Amethyst is ever ready to stack your soul with serenity and help you find your clarity.

Rock Crystal - Rock Crystal is one of the purest examples and is considered to be the light bringer. It’s an amazing amplifying stone, meaning that whatever you pour into it, will pour out tenfold. The clarity of its many faces can spark memory, hone concentration, and bring your whole being back to balance.

Jasper - Helps one shed layers within themselves that no longer serve them. These unnecessary attributes add additional weight whether it’s emotional, mental or psychological. This will only lead to negative thought patterns and bad habits. Maligano Jasper transforms our spirit from within and provides an aura that can closely resemble a “rebirth” effect. This pushes one to not only continue shedding layers of themselves, but also to begin questioning their surroundings and interactions daily. 

Howlite - A stone of emotional healing that contains vibrations directly resonating with one’s root and crown chakras. This is a unique combination, with Howlite opening up portals of entry on opposite points of the etheric body. Your root chakra becomes fully connected to Mother Earth and all the energy she provides, while staying in direct contact with your higher self. These connections happening at the same time are extremely rare, thus exposing the power Howlite harness within. This energy is very potent and becomes imbued within the user upon first touch.

Orchid Calcite - A stone of promise. It works hard to help and support its keeper in many ways. A stone that is often grounding, comforting and settling, resonating often with its keeper on an earthly level, Calcite makes a wonderful support towards moving through daily life. It is a stone that can settle with many beings contently, especially as it tends to work in the here and now, while keeping they're feet on the ground at all times. Calcite is very stable and universal in its energy, and although it does differ in its forms, the undertones remain the same. Orchid Calcite is refreshing to the mind, body and spirit. It is a stone that encourages the being to take steps forward instead of backwards, helping to raise confidence and courage.

Sodalite - A stone of insight and mental enhancement. These vibrations are the key to unlocking deepened intuition. By expanding these energies, it allows us to get over the mental hurdles that we may struggle with daily. Sodalite enhances your mental capabilities and allows the natural contradictions of your mind to slowly weaken. It is a personal stone in the sense that it dives deep into your subconscious and forces you to evaluate yourself. Through this, you will be able to highlight your strengths and weaknesses.