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Crackle Quartz Pendant Necklace

Divine Kristall

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Crackle Quartz Pendant Necklace

Clear crackle quartz carries within it the full spectrum of light. It transmits and transduces energy. Use this stone for any and all spiritual pursuits; including meditation, connecting with your guardian angel, channeling, higher knowledge and wisdom, shamanic journeywork, spiritual-healing modalities, and energy work. Clear quartz assists when aligning with Archangels Haniel, Michael, and Sandalphon. This stone is easily programmable by just holding the quartz and thinking of the thought, words, or action that is desired to infuse it into the crystal. Always program the stone with love and well-being, and all will work out for the highest good. This is an exquisite pendant in theshape of a sphere. High class look in addition to all the wonderful properties of the Crackle Quartz.